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Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

  Riley’s Rescue

  Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

  By: Erin Osborne

  Copyright 2018© Erin Osborne

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching at R + M Photography

  Cover Model: Holly Wysong

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Jenni Copeland Belanger and Kim Richards

  Riley’s Rescue Blurb


  My life has been ripped to shreds more times than I can count. I’ve lost the most precious thing in the world to me, my baby girl. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to find out where she is or who has her. I’ve lost my family in the process of trying to protect everyone, and I don’t trust anyone. Gage is trying to repair my shattered soul, but can I really let him in? Can I trust him with my heart?


  I have suffered losses in life that I haven’t gotten over. No one has seen what the loss of my son has done to me, and I try not to show anyone. Not until the most beautiful and broken girl I have ever met walks into my life. Vowing to do whatever I can to help her, I keep her secret but don’t rest until I know that Riley has what she wants in life to make her truly happy. Can I let her in enough to mend our broken souls? Will I be able to keep my promises to her? Or, are outside forces working against us?


  Riley’s Rescue is dedicated to Jenni. You are so much more than a valued member of my team, you’re family. What started out as a reader, a member of the small team that helps me put these books out, to my editor, and my mama Jenni. My kids love you and you are always there for me no matter what. You know what I have been going through the last year and have helped in so many ways that you didn’t have to. I will never be able to thank you enough for everything that you have done for my family. So, one way I can do this is to dedicate this book to you. I love you mama Jenni!!

  Character List

  Full Patch Members

  Brock ‘Gage’ Wilson: President

  Brent ‘Crash’ Evans: V. President

  Dominic ‘Trojan’ Martin: SAA

  Ethan ‘Steel’ Stone: Treasurer

  Chris ‘Tech’ Stevens: Secretary/IT

  Old Ladies

  Darcy Quinn: Crash and Trojan

  Riley Adams: Gage


  James ‘Shadow’ Patrick

  Wayne Anderson

  Mike Evans

  Kitty Kat Lounge Dancers

  Addison: Manager




  Club Girls





  Club Businesses

  Kitty Kat Lounge – Strip Club

  King’s Bar – Bar and Grill

  King’s Ink – Tattoo Parlor

  Country Corner – Diner

  Table of Contents

  Riley’s Rescue


  Riley’s Rescue Blurb


  Character List

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Riley’s Rescue Playlist


  About the Author

  Other Books



  HAVE YOU EVER HAD YOUR HEART broken in the span of a second? About six months ago, I experienced the worst pain of my life. My baby girl, Shelby, was taken from me and I have no clue where in the world she is. That’s the cost I pay every day for crossing Sam in regard to Keegan. Now, I live my life every day wondering where she is and if she’s being taken care of properly. Is the person that has her making sure she eats, changes her, and helps her learn and grow every single day of her precious life? Very few people know what’s happened and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want to see the pity in their faces when they look at me, or them thinking that I’m making this shit up to get attention on myself. This is my life and it’s how I live on a daily basis now.

  Shelby was conceived when Sam decided to rape me as part of my punishment for defying him. My job was simple; I was supposed to get Keegan to stay with me, so Sam could get her and bring her back to his home. When I failed to do that, because Keegan deserves more than living a life of hell with that asshole, he decided to take the one thing that meant anything to me. Sam is one of the worst men I’ve ever met in my life. It’s a good thing that we don’t have to worry about him anymore. Keegan can live her life and be happy without having to look over her shoulder constantly. Her little family can live in peace. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for her.

  I met Gage one night when I was in Clifton Falls. He’s been like a breath of fresh air in my life. Gage is someone that listens to me, calls to make sure I’m doing okay, and has vowed to do whatever is in his power to help me find Shelby. In fact, now that I’m on my way to Dander Falls, he’s told me that he’s going to be by my side through everything. For once, I’m not going to feel like I’m completely alone in the world. That’s something that I’ve felt since Keegan left me, and I lost my baby girl.

  Every day I pretend to live my life to the fullest. In reality, I’m so dead inside that I don’t

  know how I manage to put one foot in front of the other each and every day. Hell, there’s been days that I don’t get through without being completely wasted. When Shelby was first taken from me, whenever I was awake I was fucked up on alcohol or anything else I could get my hands on. I wasn’t a person that deserved to have her daughter in her life. Honestly, I wasn’t someone that I liked or someone that I’d even want to know.

  The only thing that’s saving me right now from heading back down that road is knowing that one day I will have my baby girl back in my arms. It doesn’t matter if it takes a few days or years. Shelby will be back with me one way or another. The only question is when that will be. Hell, I don’t give a shit what legal hoops I have to jump through in order to get her back, I’ll do it all. Anything that the courts, a lawyer, or child protection asks me to do, I’ll do it in a heartbeat with a smile on my face. My daughter means the world to me and I’ll do it all for her.

  “Hello?” I ask, answering my phone, not really paying attention to who’s on the line since I’m trying to finish packing up for my move.

  “Hey there beautiful,” Gage responds, instantly elevating my mood.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, sitting down for a few minutes.

  “Just got out of church. Wanted to see how you were doin’ and how the packin’ was comin’ along,” he tells me, and I can hear movement on his end of the phone as he seems to be walking into a quieter room.

  “The packing is almost done. I have a few more
things to get together and then the prospects are going to load it up in the trailer. It sucks that I have to buy all new things when I get there,” I answer, looking at my meager belongings all boxed up.

  “We’ll get it all figured out when you get here. Darcy has been askin’ why you need a two-bedroom house. I keep tellin’ her that it’s in case I want to crash somewhere other than the clubhouse. I’m not sure if she’s buyin’ it or not, but we’ll find out soon enough,” Gage says, still moving around.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  “Gettin’ comfortable on my bed,” he says, and I can hear the smile on his face while all sort of images bombard my mind about what I’d like to be doing to him right now.

  “Well, I’m going to finish up here and then the girls want to say good bye before I leave here,” I tell Gage, not really wanting to get off the phone with him.

  “Okay beautiful. Hey, try to really have fun tonight. We’ll get everythin’ else figured out when you get here,” he tells me, knowing that even when I’m surrounded by a group of people, I tend to stay in my own head and not really have fun. I’m become a pro at pretending to have fun when I’m not.

  “Sounds good. And, I will try to have some fun,” I tell him, completely meaning the words coming out of my mouth.

  Gage hangs up and I don’t want to lose that connection with him. He’s the only person in this world that I don’t have to pretend with. When my days are absolutely horrible, he’s the only one that can talk me through it. Keegan is a close second, but we’re not close like we used to be. It’s no one’s fault but my own. Now, I rely on him and he’s coming to mean the world to me. Even if nothing ever develops from this other than an amazing friendship, I will cherish the bond that we have formed and do what I can to keep it.

  I wake up to someone pounding on my door. I’m not sure exactly when I fell asleep, or how long I’ve been asleep, but I did. As soon as I’m sure of my surroundings again, I head to the door to see who’s trying to pound their way through the door to my room. Opening it, I see Bailey, Skylar, and Melody standing there. They’re all looking at me, waiting to see what’s going on. So, I do what I do best and plaster a fake smile on my face. I look at all of them and see that they’re ready to party. Looks like I better get ready to go out.

  “Give me just a few minutes and I’ll be ready. I guess I dozed off for a little bit,” I say sheepishly.

  “Take your time. We’ll be at the bar,” Bailey tells me, turning around and heading towards the common room.

  It doesn’t take me long to throw my hair up, put the minimal makeup on, and then head out to meet the rest of the girls. They’re all sitting at the bar while Travis, the newest prospect, serves their drinks and keeps them coming from the looks of it. If we’re going to be drinking the punch that Bailey’s been serving lately, I see us all drunk in no time flat. Hell, the last time they got this drunk, some of them were dancing on tables and shit. I wasn’t involved, but I did catch a glimpse or two of them.

  “Here she is!” Keegan yells out, clearly tipsy and on her way to being drunk already. “The girl of the hour. She’s leaving us, and I just got her back in my life.”

  Tears start to form in my eyes and I know that this is going to be hard, but it’s the right decision for me. For once in my life, I’m putting myself first. Keegan will always be a part of my life, and I’ll still see her and the rest of these guys. Darcy needs me, and I need to start my life over. I’ll be on my own, but still close to Keegan and the rest of the girls that have come to be good friends to me. Girls that have accepted the hand I had with Keegan and the shit they know I’m dealing with. Even if they don’t know all the details of the situation.

  “I’m still going to be in your life. You got some amazing babies that need their aunt Riley and you’re never going to get rid of me. But, I need to put myself first right now,” I tell her, pulling her in for a hug and not wanting to let go. “You’ll always be my best friend.”

  Keegan mumbles a response that I can’t hear because someone turned the music on and it is blaring throughout the main room of the clubhouse. I see a few of the girls start to dance, innocently at this point, and I know I need to get some food in me before I start drinking with them. At this point in my life, I really don’t want to drink again, but I know that I need to have a few to get through this night. It is my last night with them after all. So, we might as well live it up and have the time of our lives. My new chapter in life starts tomorrow, tonight is about saying goodbye to the old me.

  Chapter One


  THE FIRST TIME I SAW RILEY, I knew that she was going to bring me to my knees. It’s not just about her looks, even though she’s gorgeous, but about the way she carries herself and pain and sadness I saw in her eyes. After talking to her and learning her story, I knew there wasn’t going to be a doubt that I helped her. She needs someone in her corner and I decided that I had to be the man to do that for her.

  Riley has long dark hair shot through with blond streaks. Her eyes are a stunning shade of blue that make you feel like she’s piercing your soul with a simple look. She’s on the skinny side and I plan on helping her gain some of her weight back so she’s healthy looking and doesn’t look like a skeleton, her words. Her legs are amazing and some of the longest I’ve seen in a while. The only thing I could think of when I first saw her in a pair of shorts was how they would feel wrapped around me as I fuck her. Now, nothing’s changed except for the need to do anything in my power to make her life better.

  Over the last few days, I’ve been busier than ever. Between club business, trying to find a few houses to buy for the domestic violence program, trying to find a house for Riley to move to, and putting feelers out about anyone that has any information on her missing daughter, I haven’t had a chance to sit and relax. I wouldn’t change anything about it though. I’d rather be busy than have time on my hands. When I have time to sit and think, Riley consumes my thoughts and I don’t want to get ahead of myself. She’s not someone that I’m going to be able to push into doing what I want or becoming my old lady. Yeah, I’ve already thought about her like that. She’s more than strong enough to be at my side and help rule the club.

  I put finding the perfect house for Riley at the top of my list once Crash and Trojan told me that Darcy was looking for a place for her. She’s not my old lady, but there’s something that pulls me to her. I don’t know if it’s the knowledge that she’s a tortured soul and I know that she needs me. Or if it’s something more. Either way, I’ll do whatever I can to help her get settled in, find her daughter, and make sure that the rest of her life is peaceful and filled with as much love and good memories as it possibly can be.

  “Prez, you got a minute?” Steel asks, poking his head in my office door.

  “Barely. What’s up?” I respond, sitting back in my chair while I wait for him to take a seat opposite of me.

  “I know that you’re lookin’ for a house for Riley. I think I have one that would be perfect for her,” he tells me, looking accomplished and proud of himself.

  “Oh yeah? Why is that?” I ask, intrigued by his statement.

  “It’s a little two-bedroom house not far from the salon. She could use the second room as a guest room, for when Keegan and Rage come down to visit. I can give you the address if you’re interested in it,” Steel tells me, sitting up to reach for the pen sitting on my desk.

  “And how exactly do you know about this house?” I ask, confusion overtaking me as I lean forward to hand him a piece of paper to write on.

  “The girl I was fuckin’ just moved out of it. Her mom got sick and she had to move back home,” he replies as he writes the information I need down. Steel usually doesn’t fuck with the club girls. He doesn’t do relationships, but he will only fuck one girl at a time. They know the score, even though a few have tried to trap him or think that he’s looking for more than he is.

  Taking the paper fr
om him, I look at the address and phone number of the landlord. I’m not sure that I want to find a house for her to rent. Maybe, if I offer enough money, I can buy the house and let her live there rent free for a while. When she wants to pay, I’ll put the money up for a rainy day. Riley doesn’t have to know anything about this arrangement. She’ll never accept it if she does. Just from one look, I can already tell that she wants to earn her way in this world and do things on her own. I can’t say that I blame her, but if I can help her out, I will.

  “’Lo,” I answer my phone, not bothering to look at the name on the caller id.

  “Hey Gage!” I hear the sweet sound of Riley’s voice come through the line.

  “Hey. What are ya doin’?” I ask, relaxing once again in my chair and throwing my feet up on my desk.

  “Not much. I’m finishing up the packing so that we can head out tomorrow,” she answers, and I can hear her moving around.

  “You almost done?” I ask, wanting to keep her on the line. Her voice settles something in me and I want to keep that feeling as long as I possibly can.

  “Yeah. I’ve just been putting it off. No matter how bad I need to move, I don’t want to leave Keegan. I just got her back in my life and I feel like I’m running away from her or something. If that makes sense,” she answers, the background noise stopping as I’m guessing she sits down.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way,” I tell her, watching as Steel leaves the office and closes the door softly. “Are you sure that comin’ here is the best move for you?” I ask, even though I want her here more than I’m letting on.

  “Yes. We all need to move on. I don’t want to be a daily reminder to Keegan. Everyone involved in that bullshit can finally move on and I plan on making that happen. Well, as much as I can until I find Shelby,” she answers with a sadness in her voice that won’t go away until she has her daughter back in her arms.